Monday, January 25, 2010

Upala Yoga Stone Sculpture

Upala Yoga Stone Sculpture

The art and practice of stone balancing has been cultivated around the world for thousands of years. It’s known by names such as Land Art, Awareness Art, Petromancy and Earthworks. I call it Upala Yoga (Stone Yoga). Upala and Yoga are Sanskrit words; Upala means stone and Yoga means union. Upala Yoga is temporal, hours can be spent on a sculpture and a subtle vibration or light wind can take it down in an instant. It’s a meditative art that evokes a sense of amazement, focuses our attention in the moment, and challenges us to examine our attachment to the material world.

Shane Hart

I began working with balanced stones in 1995. The seeming impossibility of it is what drew me in, and I’m still amazed when I slowly pull my hands away from a stone and it remains there defying gravity. As a child I was fascinated with magic tricks and illusions, and as I grew older my fascination with the implausible led me to explore martial arts, yoga and meditation. It’s these experiences I draw from and integrate into the art. While living in San Diego most of my stone balancing was done at Cardiff by the Sea along highway 101. In 2003 I moved with my family to Bellingham WA, occasionally constructing stone sculptures during excursions into the Mt. Baker area and along local hiking trails. In January of 2007 I was playing with my children and balancing stones at a city park, to my surprise an enthusiastic crowd formed. It was the warmth and strength of this response that’s led to installations and public works.

On the Annamaya - Natalia Natuka

For information on the artist,
check out her website.

Annamaya - Natalia Natuka

Natalia Natuka
Encompasing the mediums of film, photography and drawing, in Natalia Natuka's latest project she paints her charectaristic 'chakra henna art' on the bodies of men and women, creating a photo and video archive that will ultimately culminate to form part of a large scale performance piece.


Visit this web site for amazing photos of the sadhus, holy men of Nepal.

Photos by Lex Linghorn

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eric Fischl

Holy Man, 1989
Oil on Linen, 98 x 74 Inches
by Eric Fischl

This painting would be great hanging in the studio. I could just imagine peoples shock and horror if it was the first thing they saw when they came in. :) I saw a similar photo of a yogi and want to do this in downtown Healdsburg with my head buried in the lawn, with a big sign that says DO NOT STEP ON THE GRASS.