Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Classic Sun Salutation with Mantras

Surya Namaskara--Sun Salutation
Classic Version with Sanskrit Chants

Hold both palms before your eyes, and chant the following mantra for the sun deity:

Hiranmayena Patrena Satyasapihitam Mukham
Tattvam Pushannapavrinu Satyadharmaya Drishtaye

Then, with each consecutive step of the surya namaskar, chant the corresponding mantra:

1. Om Hram Mitraya Namah
2. Om Hrim Ravaye Namah
3. Om Hrum Suryaye Namah
4. Om Hraim Bhanave Namah
5. Om Hraum Khagaya Namah
6. Om Hrah Pushane Namah
7. Om Hram Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
8. Om Hrim Marechaye Namah
9. Om Hrum Adityaya Namah
10. Om Hraim Savitre Namah
11. Om Hraum Arkaya Namah
12. Om Hrah Bhaskaraya Namah

Many people use Surya Namaskara as a warm-up before the asana practice. If there is a shortage of time, some people just do Surya Namaskar in lieu of the actual asana practice and still derive substantial benefit.

It is typically performed in the open air, facing the sun, at sunrise.

Surya Namaskar is not just a physical exercise. For each of the postures, there is a particular breathing pattern to be followed inhalation for the backward bends and exhalation for the forward bends. Further the concentration has to be focussed on a particular chakra for each posture and a particular mantra- name of the sun has to be chanted for each pose, as per details below:

1. Pranamasan - (Namaste Pose)
Normal Breath -
Om Mitraaya Namaha (Salutations to the Friend of All)
Anahata Chakra

2. Hasta Uttanasana (Arch your back)
Om Ravaye Namaha (Salutations to the Shining One)
Vishuddhi Chakra

3. Pada Hastasana (Toe touch)
Om Suryaaya Namaha (Salutations to he who induces activity )
Swadishtana Chakra

4. Ashwa-sanchalan-asan (Horse pose--Lunge)
Om Bhaanve Namaha (Salutations to he who illumines)
Ajna Chakra

5. Parvatasana- (Downward facing dog pose or Mountain pose)
Om khagaaya Namaha - Salutations to one who moves through the sky
Vishuddhi Chakra

6. Ashtanga Namaskar (Push-up pose)
Hold breath as you lower to Bhujangasana
Om Pooshney Namaha - Salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment
Manipura Chakra

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Om Hiranayagarbhaaya Namah - Salutations to the Golden Cosmic Self
Swadishtana Chakra

8. Parvatasana
Om Mareechibhyoh Namaha - Salutations to the Rays of the Sun
Vishuddhi Chakra

9. Ashwa-sanchalan-asan (Horse pose--Lunge)
Om Adityaaya Namaha - Salutations to Sun of Aditi (the Cosmic Mother)
Ajna Chakra

10. Pada Hastana
Om Savitre Namaha - Salutations to the Stimulating power of the Sun
Swadishtana Chakra

11. Hasta Uttanasana
Om Arkaaya Namaha - Salutations to he who is fit to be praised (arka= energy)
Vishuddhi Chakra

12. Pranamasana
Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah - Salutations to the one who leads to enlightenment
Anahata Chakra

Surya Namaskar can be done slowly for spiritual benefits and quickly for physical benefits. If doing it quickly, you might find it easier to chant these "bija" or seed mantras for the first six poses

1. Om Hram
2. Om Hrim
3. Om Hroom
4. Om Hraim
5. Om Hraum
6. Om Hrah
And then repeat the six mantras again for the next six poses.

The full cycle of 12 poses leading with the left foot and 12 with the right foot, make one round. You can start with as many rounds as you can do, without getting out of breath. Try to work your way upto twelve rounds

Some persons chant one mantra per round, and then, at the end of twelve rounds, chant
Shree Chhaya Suvaryalaamba samet Shree Surya narayan Swaminey namah. Om namoh Narayanaay

There are at least three variations of Surya Namaskar. Here we will cover the basic version. Intermediate and advanced versions are also available.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stoppa and Nobby

Global Chillin Dub a must for my next class

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

That Thou Art

Sourced from wikipedia:

Tat tvam asi
 is the Mahāvākya (Grand Pronouncement) from Chandogya Upanishad. The Advaita school of Shankara assigns a fundamental importance to this Mahāvākya and three others of the same kind from three other Upanishads. This is actually a statement meted out by Sage Āruni to Shvetaketu, his son. It says literally 'That thou art'. In other words that Brahman which is the common Reality behind everything in the cosmos is the same as the essential Divinity, namely the Atman, within you. It is this identity which is the grand finale of Upanishadic teaching, according to Advaita. The realisation of this arises only by an intuitive experience and is totally different from any objective experience. It cannot be inferred from some other bit of knowledge. To comprehend the meaning an analysis of the three words in the pronouncement is needed.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Class Schedule

From Collages

I need to confirm dates and times, but it looks like it is going to happen.

Sun Yantra

A sun Yantra, to read more about Yantras and their meaning,
check out Sanatan Society

Yoga with Les

Check out yoga with Les, on of my instructors from Yoga Tree.
His yoga Podcast.

Always moving, flowing his classes can be challenging but always rewarding.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tantric Art

Images of Tantra

Artist Unknown, interesting images, primal worth checking out.

Excerpted from "Tantra," with text by Franck Andre Jamme, published by Galerie du Jour in 1995.

The thought has often occurred to me that perhaps never in the universal history of painting, have works at once so mysterious and simple, yet so powerful and pure ever been produced - a bit as if, here, man’s genius had been able to assemble almost everything in almost nothing.

Energy is indicated here in the form of a spiral travelling through and regulating the colours of the world. One can also read into it the representation of the cosmic form of the god Vishnu (tantrism having been propagated throughout all Hinduism, its titular gods, Shakti and Shiva, are not the sole divinities concerned in the ritual).

Protein Shake Breakdown

Here is a breakdown of calories, protein and fiber for 1 flaxseed protein shake.  It would be less if you did not double up on the protein, flaxseed, and almond milk.  Almost 3/4 your daily fiber and protein. Who knew dates had that much fiber, they are also high in potassium. Information is from the Daily Plate.

Food  Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
            1.00         60    0g     0mg        1mg        15g       14g        3g       1g 
Bob's Red Mill Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal
           2.00        120    9g     0mg       0mg         8g        0g        8g      6g 
NutriBiotic Rice Protein
           2.00        116    1g      0mg    20mg         4g        2g        0g     24g 
Pacific Natural Foods Almond Milk
 2.00        180     5g    0mg   280mg      32g      28g       0g       2g 
Medjool Dates
                  1.00         230     0g    0mg       0mg       62g       0g        6g     2g 

                                                      Cals       Fat       Cholest Sodium Carbs  Sugars Fiber Protein
Click totals for charts! Totals: 706        16g       0mg      301mg   121g     4         18g      35g
% of your daily value                 25.12% 24.29% 0%        12.55%   40.2%  n/a     72%    70.58%

Fitness Minutes Calories Burned Distance Heart Rate
Yoga (hatha) 90.0 -269.0 ( an hour and a half of yoga burns 270 calories)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 9 - Spring Cleanse

My new friend, flax seed, banana, date, almond milk and rice protein shake. There will be a couple of new things to keep around for a while in my diet and kitchen.  Contemplative mornings spent with a dry brush and sesame oil.
I just now started waking up at 5:30, ready to start the day. Too bad I can't train the rest of my body to do the same. 

Coming down of the cleanse, I hit it pretty hard today. Lamb Burger, I feel like I need to start all over just to deal with that. Felt tired and sluggish all day. The two hours of yoga and pilates might have contributed to that. 

Tomorrow, last day. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yoga Resume

Vinyasa Flow Yoga
All asana and no pranayama make for a dull yogi

Yoga with Kevin Tracy builds a foundation from the ground up with proper alignment. Stimulating classes provide modifications and adjustments appropriate for the beginner while challenging the advanced practitioner. Kevin approaches each class with the mindset of “no yogi left behind.”

Classes are often enhanced with pranayama, meditation and chanting, allowing students to define what yoga is for themselves - be it a regular workout or a deepening of one’s spiritual connection through a moving meditation. In Kevin’s classes students are encouraged to explore and keep the practice playful. “All asana and no pranayama make for a dull yogi.”

Kevin has practiced for over three years with distinguished professional instructors: Nanci Haines, Jennifer Russo, Doug Cummings and Shyama. He recently completed 200 hour RYT Yoga Alliance Certification through Yoga Tree San Francisco with Janet Stone, Darren Main, Elise Lorimer and Jamie Lindsay. His studies with Yoga Tree explored Hatha, Iyengar, Anusara and Restorative classes - elements that are incorporated into his classes.

Yoga Tree San Francisco Teacher Training - 2008
200 hour RYT - Yoga Alliance Certification - 2009
CPR and First Aid Certification - 2009

Schedule: currently on call at
Parkpoint Health Club, Santa Rosa
Parkpoint Health Club, Healdsburg
Yoga on Center, Healdsburg

Essays, Meditations and Instruction
Downward Dog Manifesto: 108 Kramas for Adho Mukha Svanasana
The Prana of Sound: Singing Bowl Meditation
Super-size your inner goddess: 30 day Sadhana to actualize your inner goddess

Day 8 - Spring Cleanse

The sweat was great last night, we all gathered at egret farms and had a traditional sweat in a small willow hut. The bright embers shinning through the darkness. What a amazing experience.
The heat felt so pure and full of life. 

Today was the first day I awoke at 5:30 ready to start my day. Unfortunately the rest of me did not want to and I slept in again till 7:00 to rush out the door for yoga, but not without my lemon water.

Enjoyed Rebecca's Date, Banana, Flax, Almond milk smoothie. 
I wish there was something to add to VitaMineral greens to make them taste better.

Dinner: Brown Rice, soybean, egg - stir fry. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 2-6 Review Spring Cleanse

Goji Bear - I can't get enough of these berries.

Day 2-  I made my detox tea, dandelion root, licorice root and fennel seeds. Dinner Roasted Game hen and beets. Days 1-3 Meat protein is ok

Day 3 - My soaked almonds reminded me of climbing Almond tree at me aunts house and eating them right out of the husk. I had not thought of that in a long time, miss those days.

Dad and I went out mussel picking and clam digging in Tomales bay. I got a boat load of mussels and my limit of clams. I harvested some fresh sea kelp to have with dinner.
Dinner: Giant clam, I found two and made a caperberry aioli, a great sauce for fried fish. 
Not really on the cleanse menu, so just a little plus lots of veggies. 

Day 4 - This is difficult, did ok at whole foods for lunch, greens and kelp with a pineapple aqua fresca. But dinner, I made more veggies but I have these fresh clams. So I made the best clam chowder ever. I will post a recipe latter.  Try again tomorrow. 

Day 5 - Bok choy soup,  it is difficult to find any flavor with just a mineral broth as the base. I added Arame, a sea kelp and dulse flakes but still not much flavor. Added sesame oil and seeds.
I am really use to my overly salty chicken stock as a base. 

Day 6 - Still starting the day with lemon water, supplements of fish oil, flax oil, triphala and then a flax and rice protein shake. I am enjoying the shake, vanilla flavored so at least I can drink it.

Added a few mussels to the Bok Choy soup. I think this is turning into a real dish now. I would add either soba or udon noodles, a touch of soy and perhaps a little sake.  Garnish with Daikon radish sprouts. I think the hardest part of the cleanse has been trying to change the way I cook.

Day 7 - Spring Cleanse

Flax Toast Intolerant, really it is not that bad.

I have been eating healthy and feel very good. I was seriously craving some popcorn, but not advised especially since we are on a no salt or butter(dairy) cleanse.

Today's lunch I really enjoyed. Vegetable mineral broth with cabbage, cilantro, tomato, fresh shredded coconut and coconut oil.

Beware of VitaMineral Greens, read the label. Its good but, really?

I am hooked on Detox Tea. Sarah likes hers with a shot of bourbon.

Yoga Photo Shoot Video

A slide presentation of photos taken by Dolores Fino
Location: Healdsburg, Memorial Beach 2008
Thank you Dolores for all your time and effort.

Music: Sue Jorge, Hare Krisna

Friday, April 3, 2009

Defining Tantra

In the Tantric cosmology, the whole universe was created and continues to evolve through two fundamental forces, which together form one indestructible divine union. These are the male and the female aspects, and in Tantra they are represented by the goddess Shakti and the god Shiva.

Shakti represents the female principle of pure energy and dynamic potential, whereas Shiva who embodies the male principle, emanates creation and power. Together, Shiva and Shakti are the divine couple. Their erotic interplay, their cosmic dance, is how the world was created, according to the Tantric belief.
Steve & Lokita Carter

Surya Namaskara

Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Surya Namaskara, or salutation to the sun, is an important yogic practice which dates back to the ancient vedic period when the sun was worshipped as a powerful symbol of spiritual consciousness. From its esoteric origins Surya Namaskara has developed into a practice of twelve postures which weave together to generate prana (subtle energy), aiming towards the purification and rejuvenation of the practitioner.

This book discusses in detail the full practice of Surya Namaskara, including the surya and bija mantras, points of concentration and extended guidelines to aid both practitioners and teachers. An in-depth physiological study of Surya Namaskara supports its present day use as a powerful therapeutic practice.

Suitable for beginners.

108 pp, Soft cover, Line drawings and diagrams
ISBN 81-7621-058-7, (English and Hindi)

Tantric Sun Image

This image was created from one of my woven wreaths made from willow.Each individual branch comes together to form a complete circle which appears like a sun with its rays radiating outward.

Taking a photograph and working with iPhoto I adjusted the image to appear like a solar eclipse. Which symbolise the union of the sun and moon, Shiva and Shakti in tantric philosophy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 1 - Spring Cleanse

The wonders of Flax Seed.

Started this morning (Monday) with meyer lemon water and my muesli.

Yoga with Nanci and taught one class after. Making my way to whole foods for triphala, flax oil and fish oils.

After an intensive shop at Sheltons, the new health food store I made my way back home to prepare dinner.

First I made a batch of Detox Tea and then a big pot of Kitchari. Which is mostly mung beans and brown basmati rice and seasonings.

Dinner: Seared salmon with nori dust, over bok choy seasoned with dulse and topped with Daikon radish.
It is early in the cleanse so meat is ok. I was happy with the dinner with a side of Kitchari.